Our Valentiones Events
[[ NOTICE! ]]
Due to being overwhelmed last Valentiones, this year will be different.
The Willow is ideally low stim, and the large influx of couples can quickly change that.
We believe that many venues may still see large crowds on dates, regardless of events or popularity.
Because of this, we will be placing a limit on how many people are allowed in the venue at once.
On the 15th, our limit will be 16 people, counting staff. (Around 1 character per chair in the Willow.)
We will not discriminate between regulars and new patrons. We're sorry if we have to turn you away.
However, we will still be having an event.
This is a compromise, as we would rather not have to close that day or forego the hilarious
contrast of a Valentiones event in the Willow. (Nor do we want to make Addie sad by missing out on the holiday.)
Valentiones Cafe
We're painting the Willow pink, we'll also have special uniforms for staff and chocolates!
A Little Fun Fact
The Willow isn't legally allowed to serve alcohol, but D'rinha breaks this rule sometimes.
Here's hoping he doesn't have to this Valentiones!