Our Rules
- This venue is 18+ SFW, this means mature themes can be discussed, but ERP isn't allowed.
- Consent is not implied here. Ask first. (This is about spooks. But apply it to flirting as well.)
- Bigotry isn't welcome here. Creeps aren't welcome here. Violence isn't welcome here.
- Limit your PDA to an amount reasonable for a real life public place.
- Lalafell are adults here, it's sad we need to say this. Don't be rude to them.
- Yes, this is a haunted house. Yes, supernatural guests are welcome. No, killers are not welcome.
- Please limit your swearing to a mature and reasonable amount.
- Leave your weapons by the door, please. You will be singled out if you fail to do so.
- Paint Brushes and Books, as they're just props, are exceptions, so long as they don't glow.
- Crafting tools, except for the Needle Point (so long as it doesn't glow), are also not allowed.
- Weapons resembling props, like the RDM and BLU umbrellas are allowed within reason.
- Typical rules for lore friendly and immersive venues also apply here.
- Use some form of brackets to indicate OOC chatter.
- Don't use /sh or /y in our venue. These are reserved for staff and the occasional story teller.
- Minions relevant to your character are welcome.
- This venue is ideally low stim. We have a few special rules other venues do not.
- No barding. We love it! But, it's very loud and tickles the ears in the wrong way for some guests.
- No violence, weapons, or skills/magic used in or around the cafe. Take it to the igloo park.
- No changing glamors, changing gear sets, extracting materia, desynthing, crafting, or teleporting.
- Do not use emotes that have lots of distracting effects and sounds. Glow Sticks and Paint are banned.
- Dancing isn't banned. But, dancing for extended periods of time is.
- Clothes that glow are banned, just like glowing props, they can be distracting.
- Please refrain from using all caps in your replies.
- The parlor (FC room 3) is open as a quiet space, should you need to take a break.
- If you RP in there, the room is always open. If you're caught breaking rules, you will be banned.
- Plans exist to add more quiet spaces, so that there's options should one be occupied by RP.
- Refrain from using rooms indicated as apartments for RP without their owner.
- No spoilers past patch 6.55, some of our staff haven't finished DT! (Temporary.)
Breaking these rules will result in a warning (with a 1 month cool down), and then a ban if repeated.
If you have any problems, concerns, or feel unsafe, please reach out to D'rinha with a tell!
Last Edit : December 27th, 2024
Reason : Added exceptions for weapons like those found in the new coffers.
By entering mathison House, you are signing up for slightly spooky but mostly daily life RP.
Please remember and respect that others may be here specifically for that reason!
Your will here is always your own. Our venue is a safe space and non-violent.
IC conflict is fine, within reason, but we request any physical fights be settled off our property.
Mathison house is queer owned.
Hatred and intolerance are not allowed here.
We will never charge you OOC for our menu items!
Please consider them flavor items to make up for our food RP.
Our hours are subject to change to accommodate the real world lives of the players running our venue.
We will do our best, however, to remain consistent as much as is possible.
RP Notes, for Your Convenience
If you need someone to interact with, please come to the counter and ask to pet Six!
Morbols are strictly forbidden on the premises.
It's said the previous owner didn't receive a funeral. Because of this, residents believe mentioning them in the house to be bad luck.
Any discussion of them will be swiftly shut down by staff.
Please don't assume Brugil or D'rinha own the Willow! They're just minimum wage employees and can't bend over backwards for your character. There are also some subjects they can't discuss.
In game music too repetitive?
Check out our playlist!