About Mathison House


Displayed outside on a brass plaque, neatly polished, is a brief history of Mathison House:

When Emperium came to be, Mr. Mathison, a Gridanian adventurer, built this house for his family.
He passed before construction was complete, and the house was donated to the citystate of Ishgard by his surviving husband and daughter. Today it stands as a home to many.

Built 7A.XXXX.

The Wild Willow

For some reason, you've never heard of the Wild Willow before, but it seems it's been here a while. Maybe you just never noticed?

If you were to ask the locals about it by name, they might just respond with confusion... "You mean the Will-o-Wisp?"
Some might even tell you there's something strange about Mathison House, that you should stay away. But, don't believe them.

Mathison House is just a house, and the Wild Willow is just a coffee shop.
And it has always been the Wild Willow.

Today's Staff

Portrait of a tired man. Portrait of an energetic man. Portrait of a lovely lady. Portrait of a black cat.