A cozy, classy coffee shop in house thirteen.

Aether, Faerie - Empyreum w25 p13

Welcome to Mathison House

The dark lobby almost made you think the place was closed, didn't it?
But there's chatter downstairs. Quiet chatter, muffled by the sound of machinery in the walls.
The aether here is stale, but the smell of coffee overpowers that thought.
The Wild Willow is open. Please make your way downstairs.
Don't worry about the darkness, the noise in the walls, the aether... It's fine. Everything is fine.
After all, Mathison House is just a house, and the Wild Willow is just a coffee shop.

Regular Hours

6pm to 9pm PST (9pm to 12am EST)
Closed on the second Saturday of each month.

Witching Hour

Saturday Night into Sunday Morning
12am to 3am PST (3am to 6am EST)
Open periodically.


  • 02-22-25 :   Scheduled Open
  • 03-01-25 :   Scheduled Open
  • 03-08-25 :   Scheduled Close
  • 03-15-25 :   Scheduled Open

Check out our Events Page for more information.

A small cafe with a bar and a few tables. There's big windows with stained glass accents on the back wall that light up the room.

The Wild Willow was first opened January 16th of 2024.